Want to distribute Kros Disposables? Fill out the form below, and a representative from Kros will reach out with further details, and the next steps for you to stock up on Kros! 

The Kros Disposable Ecigs are recognized as a top ecig vape device nationwide and for a good reason. They are manufactured by Smoore Ecig with a premium Mesh coil that gives them a clear smooth flavor! Reviewers from around the globe will all agree that The Kros Disposable Ecigs are one of the top they have sampled. Two styles are available, Kros Wireless with 9000 puffs, and the Kros Unlimited Device with 6000 Puffs. The packaging is exemplary with authentication stickers on each device so you will know that your device is authentic! The Kros Wireless comes in 13 delicious flavors and Kros Unlimited Disposable Vape Devices come in 11 amazing flavors! If you are interested in distributing Kros Nano & Kros Unlimited Disposable Ecigs please reach out to [email protected] today!

Kros Mini 4000 puff & nano 5000 Puff Disposable Ecig Free Samples
Kros Mini 4000 Puff & Nano 5000 Puff Disposable Ecig

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